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· 2024 CNU International Chinese  
· Chongqing Municipal Government  
· Chinese Government Scholarship  
· Chongqing Municipal Government  
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International Chinese Teacher Scholarship of Chongqing Normal University, 2022

2022-02-24  点击:[]

Eligibility & Categories

a) Non-Chinese citizens;

b) Should be friendly to China, have no criminal record, and abide by the laws and regulations of the Chinese government and the rules and regulations of the school;

c) In good physical and mental conditions, and with a good record of academic performance and conduct;

d) Aspiring to work in the Chinese language education and related fields;

e) Aged between16 and 35 (as of 1September, 2022), with the special allowance for the age limit of 45 for applicants currently working as Chinese language teachers and that of 25 for undergraduate student applicants.


A. Chinese Language Teacher Programme

a) Scholarship for Masters Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL)

The programme commences in September 2022 and provides scholarship for a maximum of two academic years. This master program is for 3 academic years in Chongqing Normal University. Applicants shall hold a Bachelors degree, and have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK Test (Level 5) as well as 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level).

Priority will be given to applicants who may provide a work contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or a proof to the same effect.

b) Scholarship for Bachelors Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (BTCSOL)

The programme commences in September 2022 and provides scholarship for a maximum of four academic years. Applicants shall hold a senior high school diploma and a minimum score of 210 on the HSK Test (Level4) as well as 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level).

c) Scholarship for One-Academic-Year Study

The programme commences in September 2022, and provides scholarship for a maximum of eleven months. International students who have benefited from similar scholarships are not eligible.

For the area of TCSOL, applicants shall have a minimum score of 270 on the HSK test(Level 3), and an HSKK test score is required.

For the areas of Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History, and Chinese Philosophy, etc., applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 4)and 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level).

For the area of Chinese Language Study, applicants shall have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK test (Level 3). Priority will be given to applicants who provide an HSKK test score.

d) Scholarship for One-Semester Study

The programme commences either in September 2022 or March 2023, and provides scholarship of a maximum of five months. Applicants holding the X1 or X2 visa are not eligible.

For the areas of TCSOL, Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History, and Chinese Philosophy, etc., applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 3),and an HSKK test score is required.

e) Scholarship for Four-Week Study

The programme commences either in July or December, 2022, and provides a four-week scholarship. Applicants holding the X1 or X2 visa are not eligible.

For the areas of Chinese Study, Chinese Language plus Home-Stay Experience in a Chinese Family, and Special Four-week Programme for Confucius Institutes, applicants are required to provide HSK test scores.

The programme may be organized and applied for by a recommending institution with 10-15 participants per group. Prior to the trip, a detailed study plan shall be made in consultation with host institutions and such plan shall be submitted to CLEC for approval.

B. Cooperative Scholarships

The “Belt and Road” Local Chinese Teacher Promotion Program is open to applicants who are local Chinese teachers or who can provide a work agreement with the proposed teaching institution. Applicants shall hold a Bachelor’s degree, and have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK Test (Level 5) as well as 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level). For specific admission information, please refer to the application website of the International Chinese Teacher Scholarship.

C. Scholarship for Online Programmes

Applicants who meet the scholarship application requirements and cannot study in China can apply the online scholarship program.

a) Online Programme for One-year Chinese Language Study commences in September or March each year. A general Chinese proficiency test score of 180 in HSK (Level 3) is required, and HSKK scores are preferred.

b) Online Programme for One-Semester Chinese Language Study commences in September or March each year. Generally, applicants must have an HSK score (no specific requirements for level or score).

c) For Special Online Study Programme, please consult the relevant host institutions for specific application requirements and methods of application. Chinese learners who meet the scholarship application requirements and cannot study in China can participate in the online scholarship program.

Policies Regarding Currently Employed Chinese Language Teachers and ChineseBridge Award Recipients

a) Currently employed Chinese language teachers:

Currently employed Chinese language teachers applying for the scholarships can beexempted from submitting Chinese Language Proficiency Test (HSK) certificates if they can provide proof of employment and a letter of recommendation from the institution

where they work.

b) Chinese Bridge Award Recipients:

Applicants who have won the 2022 International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship Certificate in various Chinese Bridge competitions should submit their application documents along with their scholarship certificates to relevant host institutions on the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship website. For further inquiry, please

contact chinesebridge@chinese.cn.

Scholarship Coverage

a) The International Chinese Teacher Scholarship and Cooperative Scholarships

Scholarship programmes provide full coverage on registration fee, tuition fee, accommodation fee, living allowance (except four-week program students) and comprehensive medical insurance package.

Living allowance is granted on monthly basis. The allowance criteria per person is: Undergraduate studentOne-Academic-Year Students, One-Semester Students: RMB 2,500 per month; MTCSOL: RMB 3,000 per month.

b) Scholarship for Online Programmes

This Scholarship programme provide full coverage on registration fee, tuition feewith no living allowance.

Application Procedure

a) For all applicants, please log on to the International Chinese Teacher Scholarships website (http://cis.chinese.cn) from March 1st 2022 to register. Complete the International Chinese Teacher Scholarships Application Form online and upload the scanned copies of relevant supporting documents:

For all applicants

A scanned copy of the passport data page.

HSK, HSKK score reports of no longer than two years.

Recommendation letter signed by the head of the recommending institutions.

For degree scholarship program applicants

Certification of the highest education diploma (or proof of expected year of graduation), and an official transcript.

Applicants for MTCSOL Scholarship are required to provide 2 reference letters either from professors or associate professors. Those who can provide an employment agreement or related documents from the designated teaching institution are preferred.

Applicant who is currently working in a Chinese language teaching related field shall provide an employment certification and reference letters from the agency.

Applicants under the age of 18 shall submit relevant documents of entrusted legal guardians in China.

b) Applicants should Log in to the website of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office of Chongqing Normal University, register in the “International Students Management system of Chongqing Normal University" (http://foreignstudent.cqnu.edu.cn) and submit the required materials.

International Chinese Teacher Scholarship application and Chongqing Normal University application

Passport and visa copy

Copy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form

HSK /HSKK or other Chinese level tests copy

Highest diploma attained or proof of study (notarized photocopyin Chinese or English version).

Transcripts of the most advanced studies (notarized photocopy, in Chinese or English version)

Two letters of recommendation. Applicants for master degree studies shall provide two letters of recommendation by associate professors or professors.

Study plan (written in Chinese or English)

No criminal record certification

Bank deposit certificate (no less than 25,000 RMB )

Recommending institutions reviews materials and recommends applicants who meet the criteria to our university.


c) Chongqing Normal university will review materials, interview applicants and pre-admits applicants on a competitive selection based process.

d) Center for Language Education and Cooperation will conduct an overall assessment of all applications and admit applicants on the basis of competitive selection. Normally, the admission results will be announced 3 months before the term begins.

Application deadline:

15th April (term begins in July)

15th May (term begins in September)

15th September (term begins in December)

15th November (term begins in March 2023)


a)Degree students are subject to the annual assessment according to the Annual Appraisal

b) For enrollment and other matters during the Covid-19 epidemic, please contact the university.

c)Students who fail to pass the pre-enrollment medical examination, withdraw from school midway, or fail to report to school or suspend their studies without permission will be disqualified for scholarship.

Contact Us:

International Students Office of Chongqing Normal University

Contact: Ms. Xu Chiying

Tel.: 0086-023-65918980

Fax: 0086-023-65362300

Email: cqnuws@foxmail.com

Website: http://international.cqnu.edu.cn/

Add: International Office 229, Office Building, Chongqing Normal University, No.37 University Town Road, High-tech District, 401331, Chongqing, China

Post Code: 401331


上一条:Chongqing Municipal Government Mayor Scholarship of Chongqing Normal University, 2022 下一条:Chinese Government Scholarship Postgraduate Program of Chongqing Normal University, 2022


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Add: International Office of Chongqing Normal University, University Town, Shapingba District, Chongqing, P. R. China,
Post code: 401331?
Tel.: 0086-023-6536 2300 0086-023-6531 7936,
Fax: 0086-023-6536 2300 0086-23-6531 7936,
Email: interoff@cqnu.edu.cn cqnuws@foxmail.com