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College of Economics and Management

2018-11-09  点击:[]

The College of Economics and Management was formerly the College of Management founded in 2004. Throughout the years, the college has been adhering to the schooling philosophy of “educating students with no indiscrimination”, and carefully practicing the motto of “attaining knowledge for use and for achievement of ideals”. It is based in Chongqing with influence radiating to the southwest region and graduates working across the whole country. It is dedicated to cultivation of application-oriented high-quality economic and management talents for economic development and social progress.

Presently the college has 101 full-time teachers, including 21 professors (of senior professional title) and 38 associate professors (of sub-senior title) that account for 58.4% of all full-time teachers Among the staff members, there are 47 members holding doctor’s degree, accounting for 46.5%. Still there is 1 expert receiving special allowance from the State Council, 1 national outstanding teacher, 1 national model teacher, 1 candidate for inclusion in Chongqing Special Support Plan for Leading Talents in Philosophy and Sociology, 3 candidates for inclusion in Chongqing Funding Plan for Outstanding Middle-aged and Young Backbone Teachers in Higher Education Institutions, 2 candidates for inclusion in the Outstanding Young Talents Support Plan of the University, and 3 candidates for inclusion in the Famous Teacher Support Plan of the University.

The college has formed an advantageous discipline group with 3 general disciplines (i.e. Applied Economics, Management Science and Engineering, Business Management) as the core. Applied Economics is a municipal key discipline of Chongqing; Management Science and Engineering is a key discipline of the University; Business Management is a general discipline newly added for conferment of master’s degree in 2017. The college offers 3 master programs (MBA), i.e. Vocational Education Program, Agriculture Program and Business Management Program; it also offers 6 undergraduate programs in economics, business management, HR management, marketing, financial management and financial engineering. Currently it has over 450 in-college master candidates and over 2,500 undergraduate students.

The college has 3 research centers, including the Urban-Rural Coordinated Economic Development System Analysis and Simulation Research Center, the Rural Social Development and Rural Economic Management Research Center and the Regional Economic Research Institute. Among the centers, the Urban-Rural Coordinated Economic Development System Analysis and Simulation Research Center is a key humanities research base of the University. In recent years, the college has developed 5 distinctively featured research orientations – “studies on economic development of underdeveloped regions”, “studies on technological innovation and industrial upgrading in the western region”, “research on urban-rural integration and industrial development in the Three Gorges reservoir area”, “salary incentive mechanism and human capital investment research”, and “studies on economy, economic prediction, theoretical methods of decision-making and application of the theories”, having made many achievements. Throughout the years, the college has undertaken over 400 lateral scientific research projects, including over 20 research projects of national level, over 40 projects of provincial or ministerial level, and over 50 lateral projects; it has received total research funds of next to 10 million yuan. In addition, it has won more than 40 awards of provincial/ministerial level or above, and published more than 500 academic articles in domestic and foreign major journals.

The college attaches great importance to internationalexchanges and cooperation. It has established close partnerships with government departments, scientific research institutes and academic organizations in many countries and regions around the world. Early in 2006, the college started to receive foreign students from foreign countries such as Viet Nam and Rwanda. It has signed agreements with University of Debrecen and Ball State University for running joint undergraduate cultivation programs; meanwhile, it has also opened experimental classes for Sino-American 1+2+1 joint schooling in the Financial Engineering Program.

In response to the need of economic and social development, the college has been making innovation in its talent cultivation mode, while deepening reform in its teaching contents, curriculum system and teaching methods. In the past years, the college has rendered over 5,000 qualified talents to the society, and many of the graduates have become backbone forces and industrial elites in the fields of education, economy and culture. The college has also established long-term stable cooperation with several large and medium-sized enterprises for special field practice of students. Besides, students from the college are highly innovative, having achieved impressive performances in the “Challenge Cup” National College Students Academic Science and Technology Competition, College Students Business Plan Competition, ERP sand table simulation matches and business negotiation simulation competitions. For example, the “embedded dustbin assembly” project of a student from the college won the municipal gold medal and national silver medal; the “Praying Girl” project won the municipal bronze medal in the “Challenge Cup” National College Students’Entrepreneurial Plan Contest.  

The college will follow the Xi Jinping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, while taking people cultivation as the fundamental task and talent training as the major responsibility. Furthermore, it will further its cultural development and constantly improve itsschooling level and efficiency, so as to form its distinctive features and become a significantly influential college among the top in the western region.

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